
Modern Medical Assisting

ISBN: 978935152419920151/e

Key Features

  • The first textbook for Medical Assistant training designed especially for the developing world. 
  • Every chapter begins with an Introduction and ends at concluding Summary to deliver precise overview. 
  • Review Questions provided at the end of all chapters for exam preparation and viva voce. 
  • Glossary of Technical Terms included at the end of the book for easy learning and referencing. 
  • Profusely illustrated with diagrams and photographs. 
  • Easy-to-understand formats of documentation enable the physician in managing office functions efficiently. 
  • Procedures are explained step-by-step by using simple language, and familiar words and expressions. 
  • The book will become a standard manual to be used in physician’s offices throughout the developing world.
Inclusive of all taxes

    Key Features

    • The first textbook for Medical Assistant training designed especially for the developing world. 
    • Every chapter begins with an Introduction and ends at concluding Summary to deliver precise overview. 
    • Review Questions provided at the end of all chapters for exam preparation and viva voce. 
    • Glossary of Technical Terms included at the end of the book for easy learning and referencing. 
    • Profusely illustrated with diagrams and photographs. 
    • Easy-to-understand formats of documentation enable the physician in managing office functions efficiently. 
    • Procedures are explained step-by-step by using simple language, and familiar words and expressions. 
    • The book will become a standard manual to be used in physician’s offices throughout the developing world.
    Inclusive of all taxes


      The book is divided into six sections with a total of fourteen chapters. It begins with a short history of medicine as it developed in the East and in the West. Then it moves into the operation and management of the medical office. Section 2 is dedicated to the fundamentals of medical science where the states of the body in health and disease are discussed. Section 3 is devoted to the preparation of the patient for the medical examination done by the physician. It includes the documentation of medical history and preparing the patient before the physical examination. Section 4 is the core of the profession detailing how the medical assistant can help the doctor in the examination room during physical examination, ambulatory care and in minor office surgery. Section 5 deals with the assistance needed from a medical assistant for effective therapy. It starts with patient education towards the understanding of the therapeutic measures that the doctor has recommended. It also deals with the procedures of administering the medicine and performing simple diagnostic tests as an aid to diagnosis. The knowledge of basic pharmacology and essentials of mathematical calculation are included for therapeutic management. Section 6 finally concludes the book with the discussion of unexpected office emergency procedures that may arise within the office or sought for advice. The entire book focuses on the needs of developing countries like India where resources are limited.


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      Product Details

      Publisher :


      Edition :


      Binding :

      Paper Back

      Language :


      Pages :


      ISBN-13 :


      Dimensions :

      6.75 x 9.5

      Printing Format Color :

      Four Color

      Copyright year :
