Essential Pathology For Physiotherapy Students
Key Features
- Prepared as per the revised model curriculum contained in National Physiotherapy Curriculum Handbook (2023–24) that is recommended by the Expert Committee set up by the Government of India. Sixty hours of theory teaching laid out in a lecture-based format (60 Lectures), divided into three Sections and XIII Units, Section One: General Pathology (24 Lectures in VI Units), Section Two: Hematology (6 Lectures in II Units), and Section Three: Systemic Pathology (30 Lectures in V Units).
- Emphasis on conceptual learning, supplemented with schematic drawings and labeled images (photomicrographs and line sketches of gross and microscopy) and comparative tables of closely resembling pathologic conditions.
- Current concepts on various aspects of common diseases including the text, images, and tables given in a simple and lucid style which is easy to understand and to reproduce.
- Key Points given at the end of every topic comprise major features for quick revision in a short time.
- Appendix at the end of the book includes reference range of normal values of weights of some organs and important constituents in blood and body fluids.
Key Features
- Prepared as per the revised model curriculum contained in National Physiotherapy Curriculum Handbook (2023–24) that is recommended by the Expert Committee set up by the Government of India. Sixty hours of theory teaching laid out in a lecture-based format (60 Lectures), divided into three Sections and XIII Units, Section One: General Pathology (24 Lectures in VI Units), Section Two: Hematology (6 Lectures in II Units), and Section Three: Systemic Pathology (30 Lectures in V Units).
- Emphasis on conceptual learning, supplemented with schematic drawings and labeled images (photomicrographs and line sketches of gross and microscopy) and comparative tables of closely resembling pathologic conditions.
- Current concepts on various aspects of common diseases including the text, images, and tables given in a simple and lucid style which is easy to understand and to reproduce.
- Key Points given at the end of every topic comprise major features for quick revision in a short time.
- Appendix at the end of the book includes reference range of normal values of weights of some organs and important constituents in blood and body fluids.
The textbook provides complete coverage of the subject for second-year students of BPT as per their revised syllabus for learning pathology. The material is contained in limited volume but is within reach of learning for all levels of students. At the same time, care has been taken not to overburden the students.
The text in the revised edition has been divided into 60 Lectures, covered under Three Sections and XIII Units as follows:
Section One: General Pathology (24 Lectures in VI Units), Section Two: Hematology (6 Lectures in II Units), and Section Three: Systemic Pathology (30 Lectures in V Units).
This approach is expected to help the students as well as educators to give relative importance to different topics. Appendix given at the end of the book includes reference range of normal values of weights of some organs and important constituents in blood and body fluids.
All elements of the book: the text, images, and tables, given in a highly user-friendly format. “Key Points” given at the end of each topic sum up catch points for quick revision in a short time.
Product Details
Publisher :
Edition :
Binding :
Paper Back
Language :
Pages :
ISBN-13 :
Item Weight :
700 grams
Dimensions :
8.25 x 10.5
Printing Format Color :
Four Color
Copyright year :